This Is It!

Hello Again,

I’ve made a “talking head” video today! It’s about “this is it”, and what may you ask is “this is it”? Essentially it’s “live in the moment“, but there is more to it than that!

Good question, glad you asked. Watch this 3 minute 17 second video where I explain all about “this is it”!

Please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom or on Facebook with your take on this topic. I am just so glad I re-found this little gem!

Cheers now


P.S – The book I got this from is called “Quantum Learning” by Bobbi DePorter and Mike Hernacki. I don’t think it’s in print these days, but if you see a copy snap it up. It’s all about how to find fun and enjoyment in lifetime learning. It covers elements of positive attitude, NLP and various learning methods including mind maps. It’s been an invaluable source of inspiration for me.


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