Funnel Scripts Review

Hello, and today I am reviewing the amazing Funnel Scripts software from Jim Edwards and Russell Brunson.

You are probably aware that Jim Edwards is the “Daddy” of copywriting in 2020. And his book Copywriting Secrets is excellent. If you want to learn how to write great copy, it is probably the best book out for the purpose of Online Marketing.

funnel scripts review

Funnel Scripts Review

However, I recently invested in Funnel Scripts, Jim’s automated copywriting software and I am totally blown away by it. I would be the first to admit I am absolutely useless at copywriting! Possibly a bit strange given my background in sales, but the bottom line is, I suck at writing copy!

So, I made the investment in Funnel Scripts. I know it’s a big investment, but investment is totally the right word for this software. I should have quantified how much Funnel Scripts has saved me in both time and money and how much more effective it has made my online sales. But, being in product development mode, I didn’t. However, the time and effort it has saved me in building and getting SEO Academy to market has been extreme.

Savings From Funnel Scripts

Just as a starting point using Funnel Scripts saved me $15k on a sales letter, and probably the same for writing a Perfect Webinar.

funnel scripts review

So, today, I am doing a full review of Funnel Scripts and showing you how one of the basic scripts work. I’m also showing the results of my Perfect Webinar script so that you can see how amazingly effective Funnel Scripts is. If you are serious about winning the Online Marketing game, Funnel Scripts is an absolute MUST!

funnel scripts review

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