Keyword Research and The Google Bert Update

Hi, Derek here,

I’ve now been a member of Paul O’Mahony’s Mastermind Group for over a year. I have to say, it’s been great for my business. You can read my review of the group here, or have a sneak peek inside by clicking here.

One of the other benefits to come from the Group is an offshoot group that I am a member of. It’s called the Digital Marketing Mastermind Group and consists of 15 online marketers who all met through Paul’s group.

The new group now has a weekly meeting on a Monday evening where we take it in turns to “show and tell” the group one of our areas of expertise. Last nitght it was my turn so I talked about keyword research and Google. I takled generally about SEO and the algorithm and also a little bit of detail about the new Google BERT algorithm update.

With the kind permission of the Digital Marketing Mastermind Group, here is last night’s seminar.

I hope that’s useful for you. If you have any questions, hit me up either in the comments or on my Facebook page. All the best.

P.S – If you want the keyword research cheat sheet referred to in the webinar, here it is Keyword Cheat Sheet

P.P.S – Don’t try and fine the Keyword Cash Loophole as it’s now out of date and I have taken it down. I wasa thinking of doing an updated version, but in doing a little bit of research for last night’s webby, I realised that a lot has changed in four years and many of the techniques, while still valuable, do not have the same impact as they once did.

The main application nowadays is for finding cheaper PPC keywords.

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