Online Marketing Leads For Cents

One thing is absolutely for sure, the cost of obtaining leads to build your business is on the increase. Pay per click, be it in Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Google Ads or Instagram, is getting expensive. Anything below $2 per lead these days is very good. The norm, is more like $4-5 per lead.

Even retargetting and lookalike audiences are getting much more expensive.

So, what’s the answer?

Keep Using The Main Ad Platforms

Well, I am certainly not telling you to stop using these platforms. They offer superb laser like targetting and are a great way to find your audience. You just have to be a little smarter about how you do things. I will do some trainings on this subject soon. But using re-targeting and lookalike audiences is one way to reduce costs.

The first thing, is of course, to have a self-liquidating funnel. See my post on funnels for this – click here. The sooner you cover your advertising costs the better, that’s obvious. It also means the sooner you start making profits.

But…Lead Costs Are High

But…lead costs are still high. The best I am managing on one campiagn is just sub $2 per lead. The most I deem to pay is aroun d $4.50 per lead. Otherwise the route to profitability is simply too long.

So…I started to fish around some of the Online Marketing Facebook groups I’m a member of to see what other people were doing.

Solo Ads

I kept coming across people sayiong “solo ads”, “solo ads”, “solo ads”. I had tried solo ads in the past and found that, yes I built a list, but, the people didn’t buy. This sort of defeats the object of building a list in my opinion 🙂

And, when I thought about it…why would other marketers sell me their liost if they were making money from it. I came to the conclusion that solo ads were marketers dragging the last miniscule bits of profitability out of the deadest parts of their list.

So, I kept researching and eventually, after many hours spent talking to people in the Groups, I found something that showed some promise.

My Lead Gen Secret

my lead gen secret

What is My Lead Gen Secret? Watch…this is fellow Lead Gen Secret user Steve Dawson.

He’s been going in Lead Gen Secrtes for just two months now, and I’ll show you his results in a minute.

I’m just a few days in to using the system, so I’d rather show you Steve’s results at this stage.

He also gives you a great overview of how the whole thing works.



Impressive isn’t it?

Get Lead Gen Secret NOW

So, let’s fast forward 60 days shall we? Here’s what Steve has achieved in 60 days. If you thought the system was impressive, watch this!!!

Now, and I’m sure you know this, I have to state these are not necessarily typical earnings and may not be what you, yourself, manage to earn from the system. Indeed, in a spirit of openess, I have not managed anything like Steve did in my first 6 days. Steve did $1,333 in his forst six days. Steve is one of those people who goes into things very deeply and applies in extreme detail. I’m much more laissez faire.

Amazing Results

However, I’m sure you will agree, it’s a stunning result. And, as you can see, you don’t have to do an awful lot of work to achieve these results.

Try My Lead Gen Secrets – Click HERE

What I also like is that you can mail your own messages to your new leads. You can transfer them to new marketing funnels once they take certain actions. This is key to making an on-going income from the leads.

How Much For Lead Gen Secret?

Given the cost of quality online marketing leads these days…you would expect this to cost an absolute fortune. But, the beauty of it is, that it doesn’t. It’s just $30/month.

There is a one off $30 extra charge on your first month, but after that $30 per day. You get 100 new leads delivered into your system every day and you are allowed to mail once every day. Treat this as your normal autoresponder and build proper relationships with your new leads. Do this and you will start to see income not only for Lead Gen Secret referrals, but sales of other products too.

And, once you have referred one other user into Lead Gebn Secret…wait for this…the number of leads you receive each day goes up to 200. Happy days.

So, I seriously recommend you get on board with this. It’s $1 per day, so before you refer anyone in that is 1 cent per lead. Once you have made one referral, the cost per lead drops to just half a cent. That’s just crazy low for quality leads. In my humble opinion, that compares favourably with the $2-5 I’m paying on Facebook and Twitter.

my lead gen secret


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